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    6 October, 2024

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  • 6 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 18.2° Overcast

The car of the «former police chief» of the occupiers was blown up in Luhansk, he died

On the morning of November 8, the car of former «police chief» of the occupiers, deputy of the «People's Council of the LPR» Mykhailo Filiponenko, flew into the air in Luhansk, he died.

This is reported by Russian Telegram channels.

According to the occupant's son, the explosive device went off in the car.

«As a result, he received non-life-threatening injuries», — reports said.

We will remind, at the beginning of October in the occupied Kherson region, in the city of Nova Kakhovka, the car of the so-called head of the local branch of Putin's United Russia party, Volodymyr Malov, was blown up.

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