Since the beginning of the war, Denmark has allocated 75 million euros to help Mykolaiv and the region

From February 2022 to October 2023, Denmark allocated 75.5 million euros for the restoration of infrastructure in Mykolaiv and the region.

This is evidenced by the data published in the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

The main areas of funding include the reconstruction of water supply, support for assistance for water and heat supply, reconstruction of buildings and equipment, as well as support for electricity and heat supply.

Distribution of funding:

  • Reconstruction of water supply with special emphasis on efficient use of resources — 8 million euros;

  • Support for ambulances and equipment for water and heat supply — 2.3 million euros;

  • Support for the reconstruction of buildings and equipment for water and heat supply — 3.4 million euros;

  • Equipment for water and heat supply — 3.4 million euros;

  • Emergency repair support — 2 million euros;

  • Support of necessary water infrastructure — 10 million euros;

  • Electricity and heat supply support — 3.5 million euros;

  • Reconstruction of social infrastructure facilities, water supply, sewerage and heat supply, subsidies for local self-sufficiency — 4.7 million euros;

  • Support for reconstruction of buildings and electricity supply — 2 million euros;

  • Creation of the Mykolaiv recovery office, support of community resilience, involvement of civil society, as well as professional education and training — 4.7 million euros;

  • Support for emergency, electricity and heat supply — 17.8 million euros;

  • Restoration of social infrastructure, in particular neighborhoods, schools, bomb shelters — 13.5 million euros;

  • Technical assistance — coordinating unit/coordinating chamber to support Denmark's reconstruction in Mykolaiv — 270,000 euros.

It should be noted that Denmark implements the process of tenders and selection of contractors independently, seeking to avoid corruption risks. According to the mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkovych, this strategic partnership has already become a key stage in the recovery and development of the region.

As you know, Denmark provided Ukraine with an aid package in the amount of 42.9 million dollars. In matters of recovery of Ukraine, the main focus is on helping Mykolaiv and the region.

In addition, Denmark can help the Mykolaiv oncology hospital purchase a source of ionizing radiation.

Read more details about the beginning of cooperation with Denmark and plans for post-war reconstruction in the NikVesti article: «We are rebuilding without waiting for the end of the war»: how Denmark helps Mykolaiv.

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