The average salary of officials has increased by ₴20,000 since the beginning of the year

In October 2024, the average salary of employees of central level state bodies amounted to 57.5 thousand hryvnias.

Such data on wages and the number of employees of state bodies, local state administrations and judicial authorities are provided by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, NikVesti writes.

Abbot of labor of employees of central state authorities, screenshot from the dashboard of the Ministry of Finance Salary of employees of central government bodies, screenshot from the dashboard of the Ministry of Finance

It should be noted that as of January, the level of the average salary of officials of state bodies was 38.6 thousand hryvnias. In 10 months, the average amount of accrued salary increased by 49%.

Note that according to the Pension Fund of Ukraine, in September the average salary in Ukraine was 18,000 hryvnias. Thus, the salary of officials of state bodies is more than three times higher than the average salary in the country.

Where do they earn the most?

According to published data, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine leads the way in terms of salaries. On average, 113.7 thousand hryvnias are paid there.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation earns an average salary of 88.5 thousand hryvnias. In third place in terms of average salary is the State Agency for Tourism Development — 87.7 thousand hryvnias.

The lowest average salary in the National Mediation and Conciliation Service (31.7 thousand hryvnias).

If we analyze the data by position, the heads of state bodies on average earn almost three times more than specialists.

Heads of state bodies earn three times more than specialists, a screenshot from the dashboard of the Ministry of Finance Heads of state bodies earn three times more than specialists, a screenshot from the dashboard of the Ministry of Finance

It was previously reported that since the beginning of the year, seven thousand entrepreneurs have registered in the Mykolaiv region.

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