The court seized the Czech real estate of the younger Hrynkevych

Roman Hrynkevich, photo from open sources Roman Hrynkevych, photo from open sources

The Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv imposed an arrest on the Czech real estate of Roman Hrynkevich, who is involved in the case of the supply of clothing for the Armed Forces.

This is stated in the court decision, which is referred to by NGL Media. together with Czech journalists from found out that Roman Hrynkevych owns an apartment with an area of 90.8 square meters on the fifth floor of the Marina Island residential complex. This residential complex is located on the banks of the Vltava in the center of Prague.

The residential complex Marina Island is located on the banks of the Vltava in the historic Prague district of Holešovice (photo by Google) The residential complex Marina Island is located on the banks of the Vltava in the historic Prague district of Holešovice (photo by Google)

«Roman Hrynkevych bought this apartment in March 2018 for 8.9 million Czech crowns (almost 11.2 million hryvnias at the NBU exchange rate at the time). It follows from the sales contract that he, as the owner of the apartment, is a co-owner of the entire residential complex and the land under it,» the newspaper reports.

In the ruling of Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv, adopted at the beginning of April, but published only in mid-May, it is stated that the seizure was imposed both directly on Hrynkevych's apartment and on the entire residential complex together with the land.

The case of businessman Hrynkevych

As you know, the SBI is currently investigating the case of procurement of clothing and underwear for the Armed Forces. As part of this case, the investigators established that the companies of businessman Ihor Hrynkevych won 23 tenders for the supply of clothing to the Ministry of Defense for more than 1.5 billion hryvnias. But a number of contracts were not fully fulfilled, and the orders were fulfilled by enterprises without adequate capacities. According to the investigation, this led to a supply disruption and budget losses, according to preliminary estimates, for 1.2 billion hryvnias.

The entrepreneur tried to get out of the situation. According to law enforcement agencies, he wanted to hand over 19 million hryvnias as a bribe, or 500,000 dollars, to one of the heads of the Main Investigative Department of the SBI. However, the SBI employees detained the Lviv businessman.

On January 9, it became known that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is terminating agreements concluded with the companies of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych, who is accused of large-scale embezzlement of money for the needs of the military.

Later it became known that the Ministry of Defense still did not terminate one contract concluded with Ihor Hrynkevych's companies. We are talking about the contract for the supply of food for the military of the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions.

On January 11, the court seized the property of the family and controlled companies of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych.

On January 18, the Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv chose a preventive measure for 3 of the 5 persons involved in the case.

It is also known that the wife of businessman Svitlana Hrynkevich is the owner of two apartments in Kyiv and a plot of land in the Lviv region. Also, in March 2023, she purchased a motel complex.

The journalists of the High Castle report that the woman is a marketing lecturer at Lviv Polytechnic University. The rector of the university said that she applied for a leave of absence at her own expense due to family circumstances. The management of the educational institution refused to comment on the situation.

In the fall of 2023, journalists of the publication «Our Money» reported on plans to build a Citizen Security Center in the village of Novyi Kropyvnyk in the Lviv region. The Department of Capital Construction of the Lviv region ordered the construction of the Center from «Building Alliance Montageproekt» LLC for 33 million hryvnias. Investigative journalists established that the cost of some construction materials exceeds market prices, and the director of this LLC is the son of the detained businessman, Roman Hrynkevich.

Claims also appeared online that Roman Hrynkevych is investing large sums of money in the career of his future wife, the artist Sonia Moroziuk, and gifts for her, which may probably be related to his father's funds. Against the background of the scandal, the Institute of Problems of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced the closure of Sonia Moroziuk's exhibition project «Maznia».

On May 20, investigators completed a pre-trial investigation into Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych, who is suspected of dealing with purchases of clothing and underwear for the Armed Forces. Hrynkevych's lawyers are currently studying the materials of the pre-trial investigation, after which he will be taken to court.

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