Defense forces hit the Russian submarine «Rostov-on-Don» and the S-400 complex in Crimea

Rostov-on-Don submarine, photo: Russian sources. Rostov-on-Don submarine, photo: Russian sources.

Defense forces hit the submarine of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation «Rostov-on-Don» in the port of Sevastopol.

This is reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Defense forces of Ukraine struck the Russian Black Sea Fleet submarine «Rostov-on-Don» and the enemy's S-400 anti-aircraft missile complex in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

«As a result of the impact, the boat sank on the spot,» the message added.

Also, according to the information of the General Staff, 4 launchers of the «Triumph» air defense system were significantly damaged.

Background: The Rostov-on-Don B-237 submarine is one of four Kilo-class submarines capable of using Kalibr missiles. Rostov-on-Don was commissioned on December 26, 2014.

We will remind you how during six months the Ukrainian military shot down more than 30 planes of the Russian Federation.

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