UNESCO will finance the projects of photographers of the Mykolaiv school of photography «MYPH»: the authors will receive $750 for implementation

School of photography MYPH, photo: from Serhii Melnychenko's Facebook page School of photography MYPH, photo: from Serhii Melnychenko's Facebook page

Project of Mykolaiv school of photography MYPH «War Tattoo» won the open competition of the (re)connection UA program. It became one of 14 Ukrainian cultural projects financed by UNESCO.

This was announced by the «Museum of Modern Art» on its Facebook page.

In total, 129 projects from 22 regions of Ukraine took part, but only 14 were selected by experts. The amount of project financing will be 140,000 dollars.

The selected initiatives should be implemented by April 2024 in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Ternopil, etc.

The «War Tattoo» support program for young photographers and the exhibition project came in fourth place among the winners.

Curator and founder of the school, Mykolaiv photographer Serhii Melnychenko told NikVesti that each of the 5 authors received grant support in the amount of $750 for the realization of their own works. Photographers are currently working on their creation.

«Our school of conceptual and art photography received a grant from the Ukrainian Emergency Art Found together with UNESCO for the implementation of the next project called «War Tattoo». And within the framework of this project, we, as a school, as an institution, made an open call, as part of which we selected 5 applications from our students, to whom we allocate sub-grants. Each in the amount of 750 dollars. We will present these projects at the end of March. They are about Mykolaiv, the region, for example, there is a girl who is doing a story about Ochakiv. Our authors are currently working on the creation of these works in Mykolaiv. These are photographers from Mykolaiv and Kyiv, from other cities in general, who received these sub-grants from us, our students,» said Serhii Melnychenko.

Almost all exhibitions and presentations by the authors of the school are most often financed at their own expense, says Serhii Melnychenko. Therefore, support in the form of grants is a motivation for students.

«This is super important for us, because we create a lot of projects, exhibitions, fairs and basically 90% of everything at our own expense. Therefore, such support as a grant is important. And especially when we can support our students, pay them not only fees, as sometimes happens at exhibitions, when there is an opportunity, or when we sell their works, this also happens with us. We recently sold 20 works for the Hrynovy collection. We are very happy that we can motivate our students by the fact that, in addition to the fact that they create projects, we can also pay money for it, that is, finance it,» he added.

We will remind you that at the beginning of October, the exhibition «Visual history of Mykolaiv» about the impact of the war on the city and the moral and psychological state of the local population opened in the public space *8 PRYCHAL in Mykolaiv.

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