The SSU announced suspicions against officials of the Ministry of Defense

The National Police and the Security Service, with the assistance of the Ministry of Defense, announced suspicions against those involved in the case of embezzlement of almost 1.5 billion hryvnias for the purchase of ammunition for the Armed Forces. hromadske dedicated an investigation to this case.

The Ministry of Defense and the Security Service of Ukraine informed about the handing over of suspicions.

Suspicion was announced to the former and current heads of the Department of Military and Technical Policy of the Ministry of Defense, the director of Lviv Arsenal and a representative of a foreign company. A total of 5 defendants were notified of suspicion under Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code, i.e., in embezzlement, embezzlement or possession of property by abuse of official position committed by an organized group. This is punishable by up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case, photo: SBU Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case Security Service of Ukraine Handing over suspects to those involved in the case, photo: SBU

The Ministry of Defense stated that they «have no place for corrupt officials».

We are fighting not only against the Russian occupiers, but also against internal traitors. These are the changes we warned about, and this work will continue,» Deputy Defense Minister Dmytro Klimenkov emphasized.

It is noted that one of the participants — an exhibitor of the Ministry of Defense — was detained while trying to leave Ukraine. He is currently in custody. As informed by hromadske's source in the law enforcement agencies, it is about Oleksandr Liev, the former acting head of the Department of Military and Technical Policy of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the investigation, in October 2022, those involved signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense for the supply of 100,000 foreign-made mortar rounds. However, deliveries have not taken place, despite the commitment to start them in December 2022. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense transferred 97% of the amount stipulated in the document to the Lviv Arsenal enterprise.

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