Russians remotely mine the territory of Kherson region with «petals»

Mined field. Archive photo: «NikVesti" Mined field. Archive photo: «NikVesti"

Today, October 7, several cases of remote demining were confirmed in the Dniprovskyi district of Kherson. The Russian military scatters «petal» mines on the roads.

This was announced by the head of the Kherson city military administration, Roman Mrochko.

It is noted that the «petal» or «butterfly» mine is small, the size of a palm, green or brown in color. The device can explode if you touch it, and on its own.

«It is strictly forbidden to approach the mine, let alone touch it! If such a «petal» is detected, dial 101,» the message reads.

Mine PMF-1 «Petal». Illustrative photo Mine PMF-1 «Petal». Illustrative photo

We will remind, on September 20, on the territory of the Pervomaisk community, a tractor exploded with ammunition.

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