Over three years, air raid alert has been declared more than 4,000 times in Mykolaiv region

Наслідки російської атаки по Миколаєві 16 лютого 2025 року. Фото: «NikVesti»The aftermath of the Russian attack on Mykolaiv on 16 February 2025. Photo: NikVesti

During the three years of full-scale war in Mykolaiv region, air alerts were declared 4131 times, and the longest of them lasted almost 10 hours.

This is evidenced by the data of the online resource Air-alarms.in.ua, according to NikVesti.

It should be noted that Mykolaiv region ranks sixth among all regions of Ukraine in terms of the number of air alerts, and eighth in terms of duration.

Інфографіка кількості оголошених тривог по Україні. Скріншот екрануInfographic of the number of declared air alerts in Ukraine. Screenshot
Інфографіка тривалості оголошених тривог по Україні. Скріншот екрануInfographic of the duration of declared alarms in Ukraine. Screenshot

A total of 3109 times the sirens sounded at the regional level, and another 1022 alarms were announced in individual cities and communities. During this time, 1412 alerts about the threat of artillery shelling were recorded, with the highest number of alerts in Ochakiv, 787.

The total duration of air raids in the region exceeded 3,700 hours. The longest was recorded on 20 August 2024, lasting almost 9 hours and 54 minutes.

According to the data, the sirens sounded most often on Monday, and at 22:00.

Інфографіка годин та днів, в які найчастіше оголошується тривога в Миколаївські області. Скріншот екрануInfographic of the hours and days when the alarm is most often sounded in Mykolaiv region. Screenshot

Earlier it was reported that in 2024, 1223 air raid alerts were announced in Mykolaiv region.

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