About 4 thousand prisoners were mobilized to the Armed Forces: there are already wounded and dead among them

Prisoners listen to the Ukrainian sergeant of the «Arey» battalion, photo AP/Yugen Maloletka Prisoners listen to the Ukrainian sergeant of the «Arey» battalion, photo: AP/Yevhen Maloletka

Roman Kostenko, Secretary of the Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, reported that 3,800 prisoners are already serving in the Armed Forces.

Roman Kostenko spoke about it in a comment to «Ukrainian Pravda».

«3.8 thousand prisoners are already in the Armed Forces. Most of them have recently completed their studies. But there are already wounded and dead among them,» he said.

According to Kostenko, the demand for mobilization among prisoners to the Armed Forces of Ukraine has currently decreased, as the main part of motivated persons has already joined the service.

In addition, he added that, in general, it will be possible to mobilize about 5 thousand prisoners to the Armed Forces.

We will remind, according to the estimates of the Ministry of Justice, about 27 thousand prisoners could potentially have the right to parole in exchange for mobilization to the armed forces to participate in the war.

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