The Russian army has destroyed or damaged 210,000 buildings in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion

The ruined village of Partizanske, in the Mykolayiv region. Photo: «NykVesty" The ruined village of Partizanske, in the Mykolayiv region. Photo: «NykVesty"

During two years of full-scale war, the Russian army destroyed or damaged 210,000 buildings in Ukraine. Half of them are in Donbas.

This is stated in the analysis of The New York Times.

The analysis was carried out jointly with two leading scientists in the field of remote sensing, Corey Sher of the City University of New York Graduate Center and Jamon Van Den Hook of Oregon State University. In addition, data from radar satellites were used, which can detect even small changes in buildings.

According to the study, about 900 damaged or destroyed buildings are objects protected by the Geneva Conventions: 106 hospitals (including 18 in Mariupol, the most affected city), 109 churches (34 in Mariupol), 708 schools, universities and colleges (237 in Mariupol).

However, these are conservative estimates, the actual destruction is much worse.

Kharkiv, Rubizhne, Mariinka, and Irpin were named by journalists as the most affected cities, in addition to Mariupol.

We will remind that the Mykolaiv region was on the list of regions where the largest number of cultural infrastructure objects were damaged due to Russia's war against Ukraine.

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