The wreckage of the downed «Shahed» completely destroyed a house in the Mykolaiv region — no one was injured

A house destroyed by shelling in Mykolaiv, archival photo of «Nikvesti" A house destroyed by shelling in Mykolaiv, archival photo of «Nikvesti"

On the night of June 5, the wreckage of a downed enemy UAV of the «Shahed 131/136» type completely destroyed a private house on the territory of the summer cottage cooperative of the Bug community in the Mykolaiv region.

This is reported in the summary of Mykolaiv RMA.

About ten private houses and two cars were damaged by debris. The regional military administration says that there are no local casualties.

In total, six drones were destroyed by air defense forces and means in the region during the night.

Before that, on the afternoon of June 4 at 1:44 p.m., the enemy struck a kamikaze FPV drone on a settlement of the Kutsurub community. Also, no one was injured.

We will remind you that on June 3, the Russians shelled the Kutsurub and Ochakiv communities of the Mykolaiv region.

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