«Weak spots» in the defensive line in Chernihiv Oblast: a local utility worker is suspected of working for the Russian Federation

A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SBU A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SBU

Law enforcement officers detained a man who is suspected of working for the Russian Federation. He was looking for «weak spots» in the defense line in the border areas of Chernihiv region.

He faces life imprisonment, the Security Service of Ukraine said.

According to the investigation, the man monitored the location of fortified areas and support checkpoints that provide the defense of the northern borders of Ukraine. He also tried to identify approximate locations of Ukrainian air defense.

To collect intelligence, he cycled around the area and covertly photographed the locations of the Defense Forces.

According to the law enforcement officers, the man had to transfer the received information to the occupiers via messenger in the form of media files with reference to the area. However, he failed to pass on the information, because he was detained before he could do so.

It is noted that the detainee is a local utility worker, who was remotely recruited by an employee of the border department of the FSS of the Russian Federation in the Bryansk region. His identity has already been established by the Security Service.

A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SBU A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SSU
A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SBU A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SSU
A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SBU A utility worker suspected of espionage was detained in Western Ukraine / Photo: SSU

He came to the attention of the occupiers at the end of 2023 due to his anti-Ukrainian posts in pro-Kremlin Telegram channels. Subsequently, he was involved in intelligence and subversive activities for the benefit of the FSS.

During the search of the man's apartment, mobile phones, computer equipment and other tangible evidence of his activities were seized.

The man was informed of the suspicion of treason committed under martial law. He is currently in custody. He faces life imprisonment.

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