Deputies of Pervomaisk turned to the Verkhovna Rada and asked to lower electricity tariffs

Deputies of the Pervomaisk City Council supported an appeal to the Verkhovna Rada regarding the reduction of the electricity tariff.

The corresponding draft decision was voted on at the session.

It is noted that the deputies are asking to lower the tariff for electricity supply for enterprises that serve the population, this applies to the Pervomaisky Vodokanal.

«The component of the tariff consists precisely of the tariff for electricity, which at the moment is 8 hryvnias 06 kopecks, it was 3 hryvnias 18 kopecks per kilowatt,» noted the author of the appeal, Deputy Timur Hlushko.

Earlier it was reported that the deputies in Pervomaisk did not have enough votes to change the name to Olviopol. Also, the deputies could not vote to keep the old name.

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