Nepal demands from the Russian Federation to return the Nepalese recruited for the war in Ukraine and the bodies of the dead

Nepal's Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud. Photo: The Associated Press Nepal's Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud. Photo: The Associated Press

Russia recruited more than 200 citizens of Nepal for the war against Ukraine. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country demands the repatriation of the bodies of the fallen soldiers.

This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Narayan Prakash Saud in an interview with AR on Thursday.

«We asked Russia to immediately stop recruiting Nepalese citizens into its army, immediately return those already serving in the army, repatriate the bodies of the dead, and treat and return those who were injured during the hostilities,» Narayan Prakash Saud emphasized.

Nepal also demands from Russia monetary compensation to the families of the deceased Nepalis. Among the 14 confirmed dead Nepalese citizens, Russia said it had 12 bodies. Most Nepalis want the bodies of their dead relatives to be cremated according to religious rituals.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal, five citizens of the country who fought on the side of the Russian Federation are allegedly held captive by Ukraine. Narayan Prakash Saud called on the Russian Federation to take measures to release them.

Nepal's government has banned its citizens from traveling to Russia or Ukraine for employment, saying many of them were recruited by the Russian army to fight in the war against Ukraine.

Earlier this month, Nepal's foreign minister met with Russian officials on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Uganda and discussed the issue with them.

«We have clearly conveyed to them that our citizens are prohibited from being recruited into the army, and it is necessary to immediately send them back,» Narayan Prakash Saud emphasized.

As the publication adds, the Russian authorities do not comment on the recruitment of foreign citizens for military service to participate in hostilities in Ukraine on the side of the Russian Federation, but the mass media report that together with Nepalese, the Russian military recruited Cuban citizens.

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