The G7 countries agreed to allocate $50 billion to Ukraine

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The «Group of Seven» countries agreed to allocate 50 billion dollars to Ukraine. Funds will be transferred from the proceeds of frozen Russian assets.

German Minister of Finance Christian Lindner announced this on the «X» social network.

«Good news from the «Group of Seven»: another 50 billion dollars for Ukraine. For this, we use interest from frozen assets — a smart tool that shows Putin our unity, helps Ukraine a lot, and takes the burden off budgets,» wrote Christian Lindner.

At the same time, he noted that work on the details is currently underway.

We will remind that Great Britain will provide Ukraine with 308 million dollars for humanitarian and energy aid, as well as for long-term economic and social recovery and reconstruction.

We will also remind you that US President Joe Biden decided to send the second American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system to Ukraine.

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