Zelenskyy signed the law on the voluntary mobilization of convicts

Zelensky signed the law on the mobilization of convicts / Illustrative photo from open sources Zelensky signed the law on the mobilization of convicts / Illustrative photo from open sources

On Friday, May 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law that allows certain categories of prisoners to mobilize to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This became known from the card of law №11079-1 on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

The law provides for the possibility of being released on parole for military service under a contract. However, not everyone will be able to use this right.

Mobilization does not apply to those convicted of the following crimes:

  • intentional killing of two or more people;
  • murder with particular cruelty;
  • murder combined with sexual rape;
  • crimes against sexual freedom and integrity;
  • crimes related to terrorism;
  • violation of traffic rules while intoxicated, which led to deaths;
  • murder or attempted murder of a law enforcement officer or military officer;
  • especially serious corruption crimes.

We will remind you that a draft law was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which proposes to allow prisoners to be released from serving their sentences in case of military service.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, Dmytro Lazutkin, said that convicted Ukrainians who will be mobilized into the army will serve in special units. However, the decision on mobilization will depend not only on the composition of the crime and the conclusion of the VLK.

Deputy Minister of Justice Olena Vysotska said that about 4,500 convicts in Ukraine advocated the adoption of the law on parole by signing a contract for military service.

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