«We are introducing sub-queues», — Mykolaivoblenerho explained what the schedules of blackouts will be this winter
- Yuliia Boichenko
13:09, 01 November, 2023
Mykolaivoblenerho has updated the blackout schedules in the region this winter and added three sub-queues to each of the three main queues.
This is stated in the article «Blackout-2023: is the energy system of the Mykolaiv Oblast ready for possible new attacks of the Russian Federation» by «NikVesti».
The schedules of power outages on the territory of the Mykolaiv region have already been developed, the acting director of Mykolaivoblenerho told us in a comment. However, it was decided not to make them public yet, so as not to create a tense situation among the population, he explained.
— We are ready, the schedules have been agreed upon. But unlike many of our colleagues, we did not publish it ahead of time only for the reason that it would not be perceived as if: Mykolaivoblenerho predicts that from tomorrow we will be without electricity and with schedules, — added Vadym Danylkiv.
Almost all objects of the region fall into the outage schedule, in particular, the critical infrastructure of Mykolaivoblenerho itself. This decision is primarily related to the fact that up to 150 houses are located on one of the critical objects of the line. Provided that all these houses will have light 24 hours a day, the issue of unfair distribution of electricity may arise among other residents of the region, explains Vadym Danylkiv.
This year's blackout schedules will be somewhat complicated, because each of the three main queues has been additionally divided into three sub-queues.
— We did this exclusively in order to be able to alternate consumers, if we do not need to save electricity for a whole queue. Accordingly, if necessary, we will alternate: if the first sub-queue was without light for one day, and the next we have the opportunity to turn off only one sub-queue, then it will be the second, on the third — the third. We will not disconnect everyone for the sake of the company. But it all depends on the shelling. We are not planning any queues or shutdowns for today, — he explained.
In general, power outage schedules are designed as follows: consumers will be without power for two hours, with power for four hours. However, out of these four hours, in critical cases, two hours can be «possibly without light», explained Vadym Danylkiv. That is, the schedule will be adjusted depending on the complexity of the situation with shelling and damage.
We will remind you that in Ukraine there is currently enough electricity produced by power plants in the country to meet the needs of citizens. Rumors in social networks about the alleged use of blackout schedules are false.