Residents of the Inhulskyi district appealed to deputy Ahabekov: «All the wells are filled with sewage, the house may be left without heating»

Residents of the Ingul district of Mykolaiv complain that the basement of their apartment building is flooded with sewage. They turned to the deputy of the city council, Ramil Agabekov, with a request to help solve this issue.

The residents of the building gave the text of the appeal to the editors of NikVesti.

The problem arose as a result of an accident on a sewer pipe in the area of Mykolaivska and Kosmonavtiv streets, where all the wells are filled with sewage. And in the building at 27B Myru Avenue, which is at the lowest point, sewage drains flood the basement.

«Reception room of People's Deputy Agabekov Ramil Zaur Ogla

Please help in solving the following question:

Due to the accident on the sewer pipe in the area of Mykolaivska Street, the corner of Kosmonavtiv Street, all the wells in our area are filled with sewage, and in our house, Myru Avenue 27B, due to the fact that it is located in the lowest place, sewage flows into the basement. We repeatedly called the Mykolaivodokanal  service, but they have only one answer — wait for the collector to be repaired. And it lasts for five months. There is a terrible stench in the house, it is impossible to carry out any repair work in preparation for winter, but the worst thing is that our basement can become a center of intestinal infections in the whole city! A similar letter was sent to the mayor and the deputy corps. We received the same answer as from Mykolaivvodokanal CP. Please help, because the cold weather is coming soon and the house may be left without heating», —the message reads.

Residents of the house complain about the stench and say that the situation can lead to an outbreak of intestinal infections.

«There is a terrible stench in the house, it is impossible to carry out any repair work in preparation for winter, but the worst thing is that our basement can become a center of intestinal infections in the whole city», — residents noted.

They noted that a similar appeal was sent to the mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych and the deputy corps, to which they received the same answer as from Mykolaivodokanal.

We will remind that in Mykolaiv, residents of buildings near the Hvardiyska stop on Heroiv Ukrainy Avenue complained about a pit filled with water at the entrance to the yard, which has been dug for 5 months.

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