The head of the Mykolaiv Tsentralnyi District studies the experience of rebuilding industrial parks in Poland

Oleksandr Bereza, the head of the Mykolaiv Tsentralnyi District administration, who while in Wroclaw, Poland, criticized the work of local utility workers, explained the purpose of his visit to the country. According to him, the trip served as an experience in reconstruction.

He told about this in a comment to the correspondent of NikVesti.

He said that the trip took place at the invitation of the International Republican Institute, which fully covered all expenses for the trip.

— It was an experience of reconstruction, how the city was reborn. I found the trip interesting from the point of view of a person who is concerned with issues of development not only of the district, city, and state. The fact that today Wroclaw is a city in which serious enterprises of LG and Google are located, now they are launching an Intel factory for the production of processors. This has a huge economic effect, because the city lives and develops. The number of students in Wroclaw is impressive, there are more than 100,000 of them, and the number of higher education institutions is 29. I liked that they have a powerful development agency that works in various directions. She is very concerned about issues of support for international companies that want to open businesses in Wroclaw. The principle of a single window also functions there, — Oleksandr Bereza said.

Oleksandr Bereza emphasized that it is important to learn from Wrocław the principle of a «single window», where company representatives get convenient access to the necessary services and support in the center. He believes that Mykolaiv could take into account this experience and consider the possibilities of making the city more attractive for investors and young people.

— Earlier, when we declared and had intentions, even before the full-scale opening of industrial parks in Mykolaiv, I did not understand what the community could do to make a decision on the allocation of a plot of land apart from procedural assistance, I did not fully understand how we can help if we are not managers of gas and electricity networks, we can only influence the water supply. In Wroclaw, the situation is also similar, but there is an understanding between them, they have introduced the principle of a single window, when a company representative comes to the National Center for Economic and Social Affairs, he submits the relevant documents and then everyone accompanies his questions in a single center. I think that Mykolaiv should adopt this experience. We have to think about how to make our city attractive economically so that young people come back, — he added.

We remind you that the other day, the head of the administration of the Tsentralnyi district of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Bereza, criticized the work of utility workers in the Polish city of Wroclaw, who are carrying out capital repairs of several blocks.

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