«It will be impossible to pass there», — Mykolaiv residents ask to deal with illegal trade on the Namyv

In Mykolaiv, they complained about unauthorized trade on the sidewalk on 13 Ozerna Street in Namyv.

In the Facebook group «Contact Center at the Mykolaiv City Council», Yana Novokhatko asks to put things in order and deal with the problem.

According to her, the territory of the illegal market is expanding and there is almost nowhere to walk on the sidewalk. People sell goods on the ground, on tables and from cars. A trade stand was recently installed there.

«Every day there are more and more traders. Trade from parapets turns into trade from self-made tables, trade from tables into trade from stationary tents and cars. It will be impossible to pass there soon. Fish, meat, sausages, milk, vegetables, pies, underwear, socks, flowers, seeds, preserves, shrimps, cosmetics... there's just nothing there. Yesterday, the IAF also appeared. And mostly there are not grandmothers with bunches of greens who do not have enough pensions, but businesses. There are 2 markets within a radius of 200 meters. The «Strasse» is completely empty,» — the woman writes.

Yana Novokhatko asks the management of the Zavodskyi district administration and the police to respond to the complaint so that pedestrians can walk freely on the sidewalk.

It is worth noting that local residents have repeatedly complained about unauthorized trade on Ozerna Street.

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