Putin issued an order to forcibly assign Russian citizenship to Ukrainian children

The transfer of children from one national group to another, which is the granting of forced citizenship to children, is one of the signs of genocide. After the children receive the citizenship of the Russian Federation, the children will be adopted as Russians, and then their personal data will be changed.

This was announced by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets.

«Yesterday, January 4, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed Order No. 11 «On the determination of certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have the right to apply for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation,» he wrote.

The order states that orphans and children left without parental care, who are citizens of Ukraine, can receive Russian citizenship by personal decision of Putin, regardless of all or individual requirements of federal legislation.

An application for such citizenship can be submitted by heads of Russian organizations in which a child is placed under supervision.

At the same time, when filling out the questionnaire, information about the applicant's place of residence and contact information is not even indicated, but only the address and contacts at the place of work of such an applicant, who may disappear at any moment.

«I believe that granting Russian citizenship to children is done so that deported Ukrainian children do not «legally» remain on their territory. In other words, it turns out that Russian citizens can apply for citizenship for deported Ukrainian children who are currently in Russian institutions or under the care of Russian families, which Putin will grant without any demands,» noted Dmytro Lubinets.

The ombudsman noted that he understands the terrible consequences of such actions, because the next step after they receive Russian citizenship will be the adoption of children as Russians, followed by the change of their personal data.

«At one point it may happen that not a single Ukrainian child will remain in the Russian Federation, because all of them may become Russians within the next three months. As the Human Rights Commissioner of the VRU, I will take all necessary measures to respond both within the country and on the international arena. After all, the transfer of children from one national group to another, of course, which is the granting of forced citizenship to children, is one of the signs of genocide,» summarized the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada.

We remind you that during the fall, the Russian Federation took up to 10,000 Ukrainian children from the occupied territories to Russia for «rehabilitation».

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