Mykolaivcomuntrans garbage truck ran over a KP employee — an official investigation was launched at the enterprise

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A car of KP Mykolaivcomuntrans ran over a loader, as a result of which the loader was seriously injured — the company launched an official investigation.

Andrii Vetsalo, director of «Mykolaivcomuntrans», reported this in a comment to NikVesti.

According to the director, the accident happened on Monday, January 8, at the landfill located in the former quarry next to the cemetery near the village of Mishkovo-Pohorilove. The driver of the car that crashed is an employee of the enterprise, and the incident occurred due to bad weather conditions and icy conditions on the roads.

As a result of the accident, the porter was seriously injured — he was diagnosed with a fracture of the femur and damage to the bones of the pelvis. The victim was hospitalized at the scene and underwent surgery.

«Yes, we really had such a case. It so happened that our driver on a dump truck ran over his own loader. This was affected by bad weather conditions, including ice on the roads. We are currently working with the investigation. As of today, the worker who was run over was operated on, he is already conscious,» Andrii Vetsalo noted.

In connection with the incident, an official investigation has been launched at the enterprise, and an investigation by law enforcement agencies is also underway. The driver is still suspended from his position.

We would like to remind you that in Mykolaiv Oblast in 2020, 98 people were injured as a result of industrial accidents. In addition, there were four group accidents at the enterprises.

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