The managers of the Zoria swimming pool resigned after an investigation into false receipts

Volodymyr Kosse, Director of Central City Stadium, and Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkovych. Archive photo «NikVesti" Volodymyr Kosse, Director of Central City Stadium, and Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych. Archive photo NikVesti

The head of the Central City Stadium, Volodymyr Kosse, which includes the «Zorya» sports complex in Mykolaiv, resigned due to an internal check by the city authorities after the NikVesti article about the issuance of false receipts to visitors of the communal swimming pool.

This information from the editorial office of NikVesti was confirmed by the Deputy Mayor of Mykolayiv Anatolii Petrov.

According to him, in addition to Volodymyr Kosse, the director of the sports complex, Vitalii Volkov, and two more employees of Zoria wrote the resignation letter.

Volodymyr Kosse, head of the Central City Stadium communal institution (right), which includes the Zorya sports complex, and Vitaly Volkov, head of the sports complex, August 2024. Archive photo «NikVesti" Volodymyr Kosse, head of the Central City Stadium communal institution (right), which includes the Zoria sports complex, and Vitalii Volkov, head of the sports complex, August 2024. Archive photo NikVesti

Volodymyr Kosse was dismissed from his post on October 7, the vice-mayor noted. Currently, the acting director of the «Central City Stadium» has been appointed. On Monday, the city council plans to announce a competition for this position.

«There was an inspection, no major violations were found. There were problems with journaling, inaccuracies, and so on. The check was very accurate, and probably people just couldn't stand their nerves. They wrote a statement and did not go to work. I am very glad. Now we have appointed an acting engineer, and we will announce the tender from Monday. He voluntarily resigned from the post of director of the Central Stadium. KP «Central City Stadium» is one legal entity, and it includes Zoria, Yunist, Victory Park stadium and the central stadium,» the vice mayor said.

As it turned out earlier, in Mykolaiv city swimming pool Zoria when buying season tickets in cash, citizens are given pre-printed checks of other buyers. In these checks, the date, time of payment, as well as other specific marks of fiscal checks do not match, which may indicate uncontrolled circulation of cash in the utility institution.

What's wrong with the checks in the communal pool «Zorya». Image «NikVesti" What's wrong with the checks in the communal pool Zoria. Image NikVesti

Then NikVesti turned to the Main Department of the State Tax Service in the Mykolaiv region for a comment on the issuance of invalid checks by enterprises that work with a cash form of payment. The department's press service added that the fiscal check must contain mandatory details, including the date, time and form of payment. «If the document lacks at least one of the mandatory details, such a document is not accepted as settlement.» When carrying out settlement transactions in cash, entrepreneurs must keep records of cash transactions in the national currency.

How a check should look when paying in cash. Illustration «NikVesti" How a check should look when paying in cash. Illustration NikVesti

After this publication, the Mykolaiv City Council announced that it would conduct an official investigation. Later, Mykolaiv deputies, during a meeting of the legality commission, also suggested turning to the tax office with a request to check compliance with cash discipline in the Zorya communal swimming pool.

Repair of the Zoria sports complex

In May 2023, the first swim took place in the renovated pool of the Zoria sports complex in Mykolaiv.

Before that, Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych inspected the pool. He said that the reconstruction of the sports complex takes place in two stages. The first stage involved the repair of the pool bowl, changing rooms and other technical premises that will ensure the operation of the pool. The second phase, which is still ongoing, involves the repair of the gym, locker rooms, insulation of the building and other works.

The process of transferring Zoria into the ownership of the city began back in August 2018. Two years later, in March 2020, the sports complex was transferred to the municipal ownership of Mykolaiv. At the same time, the state enterprise Ukroboronprom compensated the city with 5 million hryvnias for the repair of Zoria.

After handing over the sports complex, Oleksandr Sienkevych promised to launch the Zoria swimming pool in the fall of 2020. However, the work was delayed. In autumn 2021, the capital construction department of the city council announced tenders for the capital repair and restoration of the Zoria sports complex with an expected cost of 94 million 915 thousand 520 hryvnias.

In December 2021, Vice Mayor Vitalii Lukov announced that the reconstruction of the Zoria sports complex will be completed no earlier than the second half of 2022. Later, during the reconstruction of the swimming pool in the Zoria sports complex, 7 cracks were found in the bowl of the object.

Subsequently, the mayor of Mykolaiv Oleksandr Sienkevych announced the launch of the Zoria sports complex in February 2022. Due to the start of a full-scale war, the completion of the works and the launch of the pool were postponed again.

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