The couple who survived the rocket attack on the «Epicenter» in Kharkiv asked the police not to search for them

The couple that survived the rocket attack on the «Epicenter» in Kharkiv / Photo: National Police The couple that survived the rocket attack on the «Epicenter» in Kharkiv / Photo: National Police

The couple, who survived the Russian missile attack on the «Epicenter» in Kharkiv, appealed to the law enforcement officers not to search for them.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

«The couple who miraculously survived the attack on the Kharkiv hypermarket contacted the police headquarters. On May 27, a married couple came to the investigators. They said that they were in a hypermarket at the time of the Russian attack. At the time of the explosion, people did not hear anything, but glass fell on them from everywhere. The security guard, who was with them in the department, opened the door to the street, and the couple was able to quickly leave the trading premises,» the message reads.

The 67-year-old man was unharmed, and his 66-year-old wife received minor injuries.

«They came to the police headquarters to inform them not to look for them. They are alive and well. Currently, search operations at the site of the Russian strike are ongoing,» added the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We will remind that after the Russian attack on «Epicenter» 21 people remain in Kharkiv hospitals, two of them are in critical condition in intensive care.

Later, it was reported that the number of victims of the Russian attack on the «Epicenter» hypermarket in Kharkiv increased to 19 people — a man died in the hospital.

The company «Epicenter» will pay 1 million hryvnias each to the families of all those killed during the Russian attack on the hypermarket in Kharkiv. In particular, financial support will be provided to children who became orphans as a result of the tragedy.

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