Human trafficking: Mykolaiv law enforcement officers and representatives of the social sector received training on countering modern slavery

Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers

On April 22-25 of this year, the OSCE Support Program for Ukraine together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted training in the Mykolaiv region on countering human trafficking.

This was announced by the project organizers.

It is noted that representatives of the migration police, prosecutor's office, investigators, labor inspectors, employees of the Departments of Social Protection of the Population, Children's Services, employees of the Centers of Social Services, Centers for Social and Psychological Assistance and related non-governmental organizations from the Mykolaiv Oblast worked out the mechanisms of interaction between entities that carry out measures in the field of combating human trafficking.

«Elementary provision of victims with basic needs in food, clothing, and hygiene products becomes a challenge for the police after the search and release of victims of human trafficking. Therefore, one of the main goals of this simulation exercise is to give each participant the opportunity to get acquainted with the resources and capabilities of other actors of interaction in order to jointly achieve the main goal — to help the victims,» Valentyn Borovykov, co-founder of the «Clean Sheet» NGO.

Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers
Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers
Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers

According to the organizers, the scenario of the exercise was developed by experts in the field of combating human trafficking, taking into account the best European practices of an interagency approach with a special emphasis on the victim and his needs. To create a learning environment as close as possible to real life, the organizers involved professional actors in the exercises to play the roles of victims of human trafficking, as well as experienced police officers who contributed to the creation of realistic images of traffickers.

«Simulation exercise is one of the most effective methods of training and professional development. During the exercise, prosecutors, investigators and operatives of the migration police get a unique experience of participating in a joint investigation of human trafficking, which is close to a real criminal proceeding,» Oleh Rykun, an expert of the analytical department at the Training Center for Prosecutors of Ukraine.

Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers
Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers
Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo «Nikvesti» provided by the organizers Anti-trafficking training was held in Mykolaiv / Photo NikVesti provided by the organizers

It should be noted that as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which began in 2014, and especially after the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, the risk of falling into a situation of human trafficking on the territory of Ukraine, as well as in countries where Ukrainians have gone en masse in search of refuge, has increased significantly.

For the first time, such a simulation training was conducted by the Office of the Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Persons of the OSCE in 2016 in Italy. Then the participants of the exercise were specialists from 31 countries (28 of which these are OSCE member countries, as well as partner countries: Israel, Thailand and Tunisia). Since then, interactive learning methods through the reproduction of real situations have been carried out within the framework of OSCE projects on a regular basis, the organizers report.

We will remind, a resident of Dnipro is suspected of trying to sell her two-year-old son, who allegedly prevented her from organizing her personal life.

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