A resident of Transcarpathia is suspected of transporting men abroad

A resident of Transcarpathia is suspected of transporting men abroad / Photo: Transcarpathian Regional Prosecutor's Office A resident of Transcarpathia is suspected of transporting men abroad / Photo: Transcarpathian Regional Prosecutor's Office

In Transcarpathia, law enforcement officers eliminated the channel of illegal transportation of citizens to Romania.

As noted by the Transcarpathian Regional Prosecutor's Office, a resident of Rakhiv Oblast was informed of the suspicion of organizing the illegal transportation of men across the state border (Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

It was established that the Transcarpathian was among the participants of the illegal scheme and planned to earn money from citizens of military age who intended to flee Ukraine. They organized a transfer to the border settlements and provided advice on further movement.

«Law enforcement officers detained the suspect on the outskirts of the village of Lug, Rakhiv district, on the border with Romania. It was from there that the route of illegal transportation of one citizen was supposed to start. The latter managed to pay 3,500 US dollars for such a «trip», of which 2,000 US dollars went directly to the suspect,» the message reads.

Steps are currently being taken to identify all participants in the scheme.

Earlier, the SBGSU said that the most active attempts to illegally cross the border by conscripted men were recorded on the border with Romania and Moldova. Such cases are recorded almost every day.

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