The Defense Forces have announced that the Russian missile Zircon can reach Mykolaiv in a minute

Russian hypersonic winged missile "Zircon" / Photo: (RosZMI)Russian hypersonic winged missile Zircon / Photo: (RosZMI)

The Ukrainian Southern Armed Forces reported how long it would take for the Russian hypersonic winged missile Zircon to reach Ukrainian cities.

The Southern Armed Forces announced this on their Telegram page.

According to their data, the average speed of the Zircon missile is 9000 km/h. Often more, emphasized the Armed Forces.

According to experts, the Zircon reaches:

  • Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv — within 1 minute;
  • Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro — within 2.5 minutes;
  • Kropyvnytskyi — within 3 minutes.

Also, as reported by the head of the laboratory of military research of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise (KNRISE) Andrii Kulchytskyi, the Russian hypersonic missile Zircon does not perform its assigned combat task and «flies in the wrong direction», transmitted by Suspilne.

«The stated missile does not accomplish its combat task. Everything that is charged, all the characteristics — «super», «hyper» — these are all words, and in reality, the missile still has a long way to go for combat use. It flies in the wrong direction, performs the wrong work it is adapted for,» the expert noted.

According to him, the Ukrainian air defense (AD) is capable of shooting them down. At the same time, Andrii Kulchytskyi emphasized that on one of the fragments of the affected missile, it is clear that it was shot down by the Patriot system.

«We are still conducting analyses to determine what substance exactly is there. But the combat part is insignificant compared to the combat part of missiles such as the X-101 and X-22,» he added.

Recall that in the British intelligence, the Russian maneuverable launch complex for launching hypersonic missiles Zircon is called a «problem» for the Ukrainian air defense.

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