Roof from shell boxes: how a resident of Ternovi Pody restores a destroyed home

Oleksandr Voskoboynyk shows the pediment he made from boards from shells. Screenshot from the report Oleksandr Voskoboinyk shows the pediment he made from boards from shells. Screenshot from the report

Oleksandr Voskoboinyk from the village of Ternovi Pody, in the Mykolaiv region, built the gable of a house from Russian ammunition boxes.

The man told about this in the report of NikVesti «They took shelter of 24 cats and 13 dogs that were abandoned in the occupation. Report from Ternovi Pody».

From the beginning of the full-scale war until November 2022, the village of Ternovi Pody was occupied by the Russian military. Fleeing from the village, the occupants left personal belongings and unused ammunition at the positions.

«With my younger brother Serhii, we took a risk and went to the forest plantations, in the dugout. They collected boards from under the shells. And, as you can see, they made a pediment for themselves from the enemy's boards,» said the man.

Previously, NikVesti visited the villages of Lupareve and Lymany. For the life of settlements in the conditions of war and reconstruction, see the report «How to live in a village when the occupiers are across the river».

NikVesti also visited the de-occupied Maksymivka in the Mykolaiv region and found out how the destroyed village of Maksymivka changed a year after the occupation.

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