They turned a tractor into a «fire truck»: residents of Kotliareve told how they saved the village during shelling

The village of Kotliareve on the border of the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions was on the front line for 8 months and suffered daily shelling from the Russian military. In order to save the settlement from constant fires, local men united in a volunteer «fire brigade».

This is stated in the article NikVesti «A volunteer «fire brigade» was created to save the village. Report from Kotliareve».

They were ordinary caring people. One of the volunteers, Ivan Frolov, said that otherwise, the village would have burned to the ground. Instead of a fire engine, the men had a tractor, which was equipped with the necessary equipment for extinguishing fires.

«Once I was driving with my boyfriend from the site of an accident on the power grid and saw that my friend had a tractor in his yard. Comrade left Kotliareve. I called him and asked if we could use his tractor. He said yes, he said take whatever you need. I took a tractor and a barrel from him, people helped with pumps,» he said.

Ivan Frolov, a resident of Kotlyarevo. Screenshot from the video Ivan Frolov, a resident of Kotliareve. Screenshot from the video

After that, the man created a Telegram group with local residents, where he collected funds for other necessary accessories for an improvised fire truck.

«I created a group in Telegram, collected local funds for sleeves, for all devices. If it weren't for this tractor, more than 90% of our village would have simply burned down. Firefighters used to come here, but only after the shelling, when there was nothing to put out,» said Ivan Frolov.

One of the men's visits to the site of the attack in Kotlyarevo. Screenshot from the video One of the men's visits to the site of the attack in Kotliareve. Screenshot from the video
One of the men's visits to the site of the attack in Kotlyarevo. Screenshot from the video One of the men's trips to the site of the attack in Kotliareve. Screenshot from the video

We will remind you that on the evening of March 1, the Russian occupiers launched a rocket attack on the village of Kotliareve. As a result of the shelling, a fire broke out in a warehouse and equipment on the farm. The fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters. Nearby residential buildings were also damaged by the shock wave.

As of January 2023, as of January 2023, 70% of the buildings in the village of Kotliareve, Mykolaiv region, were destroyed or destroyed due to Russian shelling.

See also the NikVesti photo report from the dilapidated Kotliareve.

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