Survey: 74% of Ukrainians want to see an influential parliament, opinions on the form of government are divided

The vast majority of Ukrainian citizens, or 74%, would like our country to have an influential parliament, 71% are in favor of serious powers for the president, but opinions on the form of government are divided.

This is evidenced by the survey results of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

According to the results of the survey, 74% of respondents from among those surveyed believe that there should be an influential parliament in Ukraine, which should at least give its consent to the appointment of the government by the president and be able to dismiss it (such 27%, and the remaining 47% see an even stronger role in the parliament ).

At the same time, 71% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine should have a president who should also have at least certain serious powers.

When asked about the form of government, 13% of citizens from among those polled are in favor of a presidential form of government, 27% — for a presidential-parliamentary form of government, 31% — for a parliamentary-presidential form of government, and 16% — for a parliamentary form of government. The remaining 13% could not answer the question.

The survey was conducted during May 16-22, 2024 by telephone interviews based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers (with random generation of phone numbers and subsequent statistical weighting).

A total of 1,002 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (territory controlled by the government of Ukraine) were interviewed.

The sample did not include residents of territories that are temporarily not controlled by the authorities of Ukraine, and the survey was not conducted with citizens who went abroad after February 24, 2022.

We will remind you that more than 90% of Ukrainians want to see Ukraine as a fully functioning democracy. At the same time, 43% believe that the situation with democracy has worsened during the presidency of Volodymyr Zelenskyi

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