The first shipments of weapons and armaments from the USA have already arrived in Ukraine

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Despite the fact that Ukraine received the first shipments of military aid from the United States last week, the main amount of weapons will not arrive until the summer.

This is reported by The New York Times.

Last Sunday, Ukraine received the first batch of anti-tank missiles, shells and much-needed 155mm artillery shells from the US as part of a $61 billion military aid package.

The second batch arrived on Monday. And the next day, a batch of Patriot interceptor missiles from Spain arrived in Poland and, according to a Spanish high-ranking official, they will soon be on the Ukrainian front.

In addition, some of the new weapons began to arrive even before it was announced. Part of the $620 million in aid announced by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on April 23 began arriving several weeks ago, according to a British defense ministry official.

However, the main batch of weapons promised by the US, Britain and Germany could take months to arrive in sufficient numbers, officials said, casting doubt on Ukraine's ability to deter Russian attacks.

At the same time, according to an American official, most of the large-caliber weapons financed as part of the US aid package will not be delivered until the end of the summer, or even later.

He clarified that it will take time to figure out exactly what can be transferred to Ukraine without depleting NATO units that must be combat-ready, such as those using the Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Humvee armored personnel carriers that were part of the American package. Other weapons, such as the 155mm artillery shells that Ukraine desperately needs, are in short supply around the world.

According to the US Director of National Intelligence, Avril D. Haynes, Russia could potentially break through some Ukrainian front lines in the east of the country ahead of the expected Russian offensive.

We will remind that US President Joe Biden signed the bill on aid to Ukraine, which was recently voted by both houses of the US Congress.

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