The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the status of the English language in Ukraine: who will be required to know

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the status of the English language in Ukraine. Photo for illustration The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the status of the English language in Ukraine. Photo for illustration

On June 4, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law №9432 initiated by the President of Ukraine, which defines the use of the English language in the country. It also defines the categories of positions for which candidates must speak English.

People's deputy Yaroslav Zhelezniak reported this in Telegram.

The document was supported by 236 deputies.

According to the people's deputy, the law establishes the status of English as one of the languages of international communication in Ukraine.

The law also defines the categories of positions for which candidates are required to speak English, regulates the peculiarities of the use of the English language in the work of authorities, local self-government bodies, in the fields of education, culture, transport, and health care.

According to the law, the following will be required to know the English language:

  • civil servants of category «A» (state secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and his deputies, etc.),
  • «B» (heads of structural subdivisions of state bodies and their deputies, etc.),
  • and «B» (government officials who did not fall into the previous two categories);
  • heads of local state administrations and their deputies;
  • servicemen of the officer corps who serve under a contract;
  • middle and senior police officers, heads of other law enforcement agencies, the list of which will be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • prosecutors;
  • employees of customs and tax services;
  • heads of economic entities of the state sector of the economy.

It was previously reported that the state will provide financial assistance to citizens to pay for English language courses through the «ePidtrymka» program.

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