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Restoration of destroyed educational institutions and infrastructure: Denmark has provided $118 million in aid to Mykolaiv Oblast

Archive photo of «Nikvesti" Archive photo of «Nikvesti"

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Denmark has provided Mykolaiv Oblast with $118 million in aid.

Anastasia Todorova, Deputy Director of the Department of Economic Development and Regional Policy of the Mykolaiv Oblast, told about this during the briefing, NikVesti writes.

Since the beginning of 2024, the region has signed memorandums of cooperation with international partners for the purpose of restoration and development of the region.

One of the projects «Mykolaiv Restored» is financed by the government of the Kingdom of Denmark with a total budget of 5 million dollars. This project is aimed at creating inclusive mechanisms for planning and restoring infrastructure for territories affected by military operations.

«The project «Mykolaiv Restored» is financed by the government of the Kingdom of Denmark. The United Nations Development Program is the executor of the project, and the total project budget is 35 million Danish kroner (5 million dollars, note). Within the framework of this project, communities of the Mykolaiv region will be able to receive comprehensive support in four interrelated strategic directions - the creation of inclusive mechanisms for planning, implementation and monitoring of restoration, restoration of service provision. Special emphasis is placed on the territories that suffered as a result of military operations of the Russian Federation and were partially occupied or occupied. It will be an active civic position with a special emphasis on expanding the rights and opportunities of young women and men,» Anastasia Todorova said.

Another project is the purchase of goods and services for the reconstruction of Ukraine with the support of the government of the Kingdom of Denmark in the amount of about 21.1 million dollars, aimed at improving the infrastructure and ensuring uninterrupted electricity and heat supply.

Also, the government of the Kingdom of Denmark will allocate 17.2 million dollars for the reconstruction of educational institutions in the Mykolaiv region, which were destroyed as a result of hostilities. In particular, we are talking about gymnasium № 61, gymnasium №27 and the Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University.

«One of these projects is the restoration of communities and social infrastructure, an approach based on the complex rehabilitation of microdistricts in the city of Mykolaiv. This project is also funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark through the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And the total budget of the project is about 119 million Danish kroner (17.2 million dollars, — note). As part of this project, educational institutions of the region, which were damaged as a result of hostilities, will be rebuilt,» Anastasia Todorova said.

Denmark's cooperation with Mykolaiv

In March 2022, the president of Ukraine, speaking before the Danish parliament, called on the country to take «chiefship» over Mykolaiv after the end of the full-scale war unleashed by Russia.

At the end of August last year, the mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkevych, and the Minister of International Development of Denmark, Flemming Moller Mortensen, signed a memorandum of cooperation. The memorandum envisages joint work on the formation of reconstruction projects and the involvement of investors from various countries in the restoration of Mykolaiv.

In January 2023 , a meeting of representatives of Denmark and Ukraine took place in Mykolaiv regarding the planning of further restoration of the city.

On July 3, the Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark announced a new aid package for the Mykolaiv region.

In September, after a meeting with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the opening of the office of the Danish Embassy in Ukraine in Mykolaiv.

At the beginning of November, Denmark announced a new large-scale aid package for Ukraine for 40.2 million euros. The main emphasis in the aid package is on Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv region.

Also in November, the Office of Reconstruction and Development of the Mykolaiv Oblast and the Office of Reconstruction and Development of the City of Mykolaiv became operational.

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