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  • 6 October , 2024 October

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Utility bills to the addresses of destroyed buildings: the Mykolaiv DHCS announced that service providers will be asked to stop billing

The Mykolaiv Department of Housing and Communal Service announced that, on behalf of the mayor Oleksandr Senkevych, an appeal is being prepared to the utility service providers to stop charging the residents of the dilapidated building at 32 Admiralska Street.

Ihor Nabatov, the first deputy director of the DHCS, told about this during the briefing, answering the questions of the «NikVesti» correspondent.

It will be recalled that on Tuesday, October 9, the residents of the building appealed to the editorial office of «NikVesti», complaining that as of October they still receive utility bills.

In turn, Ihor Nabatov explained that the service provided by the management company really continues to be charged to those residents who did not apply for termination and the act of commission inspection.

— This is a private management company, unfortunately, we have no influence on it. They have worked out such a mechanism and they are ready to make a miscalculation, but they are waiting for a statement with an act of commission examination. The act of commission inspection is provided by the SCC (State Construction Control) administration, which ensures the inspection of all damaged objects in Mykolaiv in 2023. The application is simply written to the management company in an arbitrary form and that's it, — said Ihor Nabatov.

According to him, residents do not receive bills for other communal services, although isolated cases do occur.

— According to our information, communal services, namely gas, electricity, household waste, are not charged, but due to the fact that information has come out that some residents receive the appropriate payments, another appeal is being prepared for all providers of communal services on behalf of the mayor services to stop it, — he said.

As you know, on the night of July 20, Russian troops launched a missile attack on Mykolaiv. As a result of the impact, a three-story residential building was destroyed.

The next day, representatives of the city authorities announced plans to demolish the building completely.

In September, residents independently ordered a technical inspection of the building. In this way, they will find out whether the house is suitable for living.

During the attack, an elderly couple died in the house. First, a man's body was taken out from under the rubble. A little later , the woman's body was pulled out.

Due to the impact , the building of the regional center of folk art, which housed the house of pioneers in Soviet times, where the poet-songwriter Mark Lysyanskyy began his creative career, was also destroyed.

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