• Wednesday

    16 October, 2024

  • 12.5°


  • 16 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 12.5° Overcast

In Mykolaiv and Kherson there is no light in the morning due to accidents: what is known

Mykolaiv, archival photo: «NikVesti" Mykolaiv, archival photo: NikVesti

Since the very morning of Wednesday, October 16, in Mykolaiv and Kherson, electricity has disappeared in almost all areas of the cities.

This was reported by the correspondents of NikVesti.

The problems with the light started around 8 am. According to Mykolaivoblenergo, 272,000 consumers were cut off in the Mykolayiv Oblast due to an accident on high-voltage networks.

As of 09:00, the head of Mykolaiv RMA Vitalii Kim reported that the lack of light in Mykolaiv is not connected with the blows. Energy workers have found and are repairing the point of the accident.

«Many are without electricity. We found the crash site. No blow. We will fix it in a couple of hours, if there are no other surprises,» wrote Vitalii Kim.

An almost similar situation regarding power outages is observed throughout Kherson. The head of the MBA, Roman Mrochko, said that the causes of the accident are being investigated.

«Preliminarily, the entire city is de-energized. The reasons are being investigated. Follow our updates,» Roman Mrochko wrote.

In addition, the water supply has disappeared in Kherson due to the lack of electricity, this is reported by journalists of Suspilne.Kherson.

Despite the authorities' statements that the power outages are not related to Russian shelling, we note that Shahed 131/136 type drones were launched this night in the Mykolaiv region, of which three were eliminated by air defense. According to the data of Kherson RMA, more than 10 settlements in the region were under fire from Russian troops during the day.

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