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  • 24 March , 2025 Monday

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Five dead, more than 30 injured in Izium

Постраждала адмінбудівля в Ізюмі. Фото: Telegram-канал Олега СинєгубоваThe administrative building in Izium was damaged. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov's Telegram channel

The number of people injured in an enemy missile attack on the centre of Izium has increased to 38, with five people killed.

This was reported by the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration, Oleg Syniehubov.

A 15-year-old girl is among the victims.

«Seven people were hospitalised. 5 people died», said Oleh Syniehubov.

According to him, the authorities are currently conducting door-to-door visits to determine who needs temporary housing for resettlement and who needs to have their windows sealed.

Наслідки удару по Ізюму. Фото: Telegram-канал Олега СинєгубоваThe aftermath of the strike on Izium. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov's Telegram channel
В Ізюмі госпіталізовано 7 людей. 5 людей загинули. Фото: Telegram-канал Олега Синєгубова7 people were hospitalised in Izium. 5 people died. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov's Telegram channel

After the missile strike, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that pressure should be put on Russia to stop terror and protect lives.

He noted that the cruelty of the missile strikes carried out by Russians on peaceful cities cannot be reconciled.

«We need to put pressure on Russia, use as much force as possible — the force of arms, the force of sanctions, the force of diplomacy — to stop the terror and protect lives», the President said.

Загинуло 5 людей. Фото: Telegram-канал Олега СинєгубоваFive people were killed. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov's Telegram channel
Кількість постраждалих внаслідок ворожого ракетного удару по Ізюму збільшилася до 38. Фото: Telegram-канал Олега СинєгубоваThe number of casualties from the enemy missile attack on Izyum has increased to 38. Photo: Oleh Syniehubov's Telegram channel

As a reminder, on Tuesday, 4 February, Russian troops attacked the town of Izyum in Kharkiv region. Administrative buildings were partially destroyed and a five-storey residential building was damaged.


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