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    23 September, 2024

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  • 23 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 15.6° Overcast

Mykolayiv region lost about 264 large enterprises that left because of the war, — Kim

The Mykolayiv region lost up to 264 large enterprises due to the war, which were relocated to safer regions after the start of the full-scale invasion.

Vitalii Kim, the head of Mykolayiv RMA, told «News Factory» about this.

He also noted that about 160 enterprises were stopped or destroyed, so they cannot recover.

«I will tell you what we lost. About 254-264 large enterprises have been relocated since the beginning of the war. About 160 businesses are now shut down or destroyed, making it impossible for them to recover. This is a large number of enterprises. This is a large number of enterprises that have left. If they want to return and we create the conditions for this, it's still a waste of money and a conversation for later. Now they are working, filling the state budget, providing jobs,» said Vitalii Kim.

He also noted that very little business is returning to the region.

«As for the return, these are single stories now. The main purpose of the return is jobs and taxes. For the economy to live. We need jobs for people in order to improve the standard of living for people,» added the head of RMA.

We remind that in December of last year, Vitalii Kim reported that after the liberation of Kherson, many small enterprises began to return to Mykolaiv, but big business is not yet in a hurry to restore capacities in the region.

We also remind you that in a year and a half since the start of the great war, as of the end of September 2023, 840 enterprises have moved to safer regions in Ukraine under the relocation program.

The largest part of businesses chose Zakarpattia and Lviv regions for a new place of work — 120 and 199 companies, respectively. Chernivtsi Oblast — 78 relocators — and Ivano-Frankivsk Region — 70 also made it to the top of safe regions in demand among entrepreneurs.

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