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53% of Poles are ready to accept Ukrainian refugees: the number of supporters has decreased

Illustrative photo: Andrzej Lange Illustrative photo: Andrzej Lange

53% of Poles are ready to accept Ukrainian refugees, which is the lowest figure compared to March 2022, when support was 94%.

This is evidenced by the results of the latest polls conducted by the Polish Center for Public Opinion Research (CBOS).

When asked about the attitude to the reception of refugees from Ukraine, 53% of respondents expressed support, while 40% spoke against it. For comparison, in March 2022, only 3% of Poles did not support the admission of Ukrainian refugees.

Analysts explain the decline in support, which has been observed since the spring of 2023, with the beginning of the so-called «grain crisis» in Polish-Ukrainian relations.

According to the survey, support for accepting refugees is higher among men (60%) than among women (47%). In addition, more negative attitudes are observed among people with right-wing political views compared to those with left-wing views.

In addition, sociologists asked whether the Polish authorities should send Ukrainian men of conscription age back to Ukraine. 67% of respondents supported this idea, while 22% were against it.

The survey was conducted from September 12 to 22 on a sample of 941 people (of which: 64.2% using the CAPI method, 23% — CATI, and 12.9% — CAWI).

Earlier it was reported that according to the survey, 57% believe that Ukraine should enter into negotiations with Russia in order to try to achieve peace. Compared to previous polls conducted in November, this indicator increased by 15%.

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