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  • 14 October , 2024 October

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«Social taxi» for people with disabilities started working in Odesa: you can use it 10 times a month

"Social taxi» in Odesa, photo: city council Social taxi in Odesa, photo: city council

The municipal service «Social taxi» for people with disabilities started operating in Odesa.

The corresponding decision was made by the executive committee of the Odesa City Council, write NikVesti.

You can order a car by calling the number «15-01» three days before the trip. The service can be used no more than 10 times a month on working days from 08:30 to 17:30, the city council informed.

A special car can be ordered for movement in Odesa: from the place of residence to local self-government bodies, their executive bodies, state executive bodies, courts, health care institutions, medical and preventive, sanatorium or rehabilitation institutions, banking institutions, social, cultural, educational institutions and institutions, prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, bus and railway stations, enterprises providing housing and communal services to the population.

A person can also immediately order a special car in the return direction. But the waiting time of a person by a special car in this case should not exceed 2 hours.

Cancellation of the order must be notified no later than 2 hours before the specified time of the order. In case of refusal of the service after delivery of the special car to the place of order, the service is considered used.

We will remind that 6 specially equipped cars will operate in Social taxi: two cars were purchased with funds from the Odesa budget, two were provided by partners from Regensburg, and two were from the public organization «Bezbarierni», mayor Hennadii Trukhanov reported earlier.

Read also the article NikVesti «City of barriers: Is Mykolaiv ready for modern challenges?».

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