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    17 March, 2025

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  • 17 March , 2025 Monday

  • Mykolaiv • 4.3° Slight rain

Poll: 36% of Mykolaiv residents approve of Mayor Sienkevych's work — last year the figure was 10% higher

Oleksandr Sienkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv, photo: «NykVesty" Oleksandr Sienkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv, photo: NikVesti

36% of local residents approve of the activities of the Mykolaiv mayor. A year ago, this figure was 46%.

This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Sociological Group «Rating» on the order of the International Republican Institute (IRI) in April-May 2024, writes NikVesti.

Out of all those surveyed, 9% approve of the mayor's activities, 27% — rather approve, 26% — rather disapprove, 23% — do not approve at all, 15% — it is difficult to answer.

And the activity of the city council is approved less — only 5% of respondents, more likely to approve — 30%, more likely to disapprove — 27%, not at all — 19%, difficult to answer — 19%.

The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot
The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot

Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov, whose work is satisfied by 80% of Kharkiv residents, once again topped the ranking of the dynamics of approval of city mayors. Compared to last year, this indicator fell by only 6%.

The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot The results of the survey conducted by the Sociological group «Rating», screenshot

It should be noted that, according to the rating, almost half of Mykolaiv residents believe that things are going well in the city, while the other half believe that things are going in the wrong direction.

The survey was conducted by the Sociological group «Rating» on the order of the Center for Analysis and Sociological Research of the International Republican Institute in 21 cities of Ukraine (Kyiv and all regional centers where the security situation allowed conducting the survey) from April 13 to May 14, 2024, using face-to-face interviews at respondents' homes. The sample consisted of 16,800 citizens aged 18 and over.

The resulting data in each city were weighted by gender and age using national statistics (as of January 1, 2022). The statistical error for each city does not exceed ±3.5%. The average reach of respondents was 49%. The survey was conducted with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Survey of residents of Mykolaiv in 2023

Last year, a survey by the Sociological Group «Rating» commissioned by the International Republican Institute (IRI) showed that 92% of Mykolaiv residents are proud to be residents of this city. Most of them said that they do not plan to leave the city in the event of a military escalation.

The survey also showed that almost half of the residents of Mykolaiv (47%) assess the condition of bomb shelters in the city as terrible or bad.

Last year, Mykolaiv residents also responded that they approve of the activities of Vitalii Kim, the head of the RMA. The level of positive attitude towards the administration is the highest among the cities of Ukraine. Attitudes toward Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych were almost equally divided among those interviewed.

About 56% of Mykolaiv residents also answered that their family's economic situation has worsened over the past 12 months. At the same time, 13%, on the contrary, note an improvement.


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