• Saturday

    5 October, 2024

  • 19.5°
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  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 19.5° Partly cloudy

The Russian Federation transferred almost all troops from under the border of Finland to Ukraine

The Russian Federation transferred almost all troops from under the border of Finland to Ukraine / Illustrative photo The Russian Federation transferred almost all troops from under the border of Finland to Ukraine / Illustrative photo

Russian bases near the border with Finland, despite threats from Moscow due to this country's accession to NATO, are almost empty — the Russian Federation has transferred personnel and equipment to the war against Ukraine.

This was reported by Yle with reference to an intelligence source.

Despite the fact that Russia has threatened Finland with «consequences» if it joins NATO and has promised to increase its military presence near the border, military bases in the region are so far emptier than a year ago.

«On average, 80% of the equipment and soldiers were transferred to the war against Ukraine,» reports the broadcaster's source in intelligence.

Depending on the base, the share of withdrawn military and equipment is slightly higher or lower, including depending on the season and the conduct of exercises. Almost only instructors and recruits remained at the bases — contract workers were sent to fight.

According to him, Russia is «raking out» equipment and military personnel from its bases not only under the Finnish borders, but throughout its vast territory, except for the Moscow region.

Yle also received satellite images of Russian bases that confirm certain changes. Thus, at the Russian military base near Petrozavodsk, as of May 2024, compared to June 2023, dozens of pieces of equipment stationed there have disappeared. At the same time, one new hangar appeared there, which was not there before and the equipment was standing in the open air.

Pictures from Kaukiarvi on the Karelian Isthmus (renamed Kamianka by the Russians) show that there are currently numerous tents for the accommodation of personnel — probably mobilized or conscripts undergoing basic training.

The interlocutor in the intelligence service says that, at the same time, air defense around St. Petersburg remains quite strong.

We will remind that in 2022, Russia began to withdraw troops to the border with Finland after Helsinki announced its intention to join NATO.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pekki Haavisto, said that one should not pay too much attention to threats from the Russian Federation about the «consequences» that will result from Finland's accession to NATO.

Against the background of the tense situation with Russia, the Parliament of Finland decided to build a stronger fence on the border with this country.

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