Kyivstar cannot guarantee a quick restoration of communication

The «Kyivstar» company cannot yet name the exact terms of the restoration of communication, but the process has already begun.

Oleksandr Komarov, the company's president, told about this in an interview with Ukrainian Forbes.

«We have several scenarios. Basic and also optimistic that we will start to restore customer services. We have already partially restored fixed internet for our home internet base. Step by step, we will soon restore services for the entire fixed Internet client base,» he said.

Oleksandr Komarov added that it is a little more difficult with mobile services.

«The basic scenario, I hope that tomorrow (the interview was published on the night of December 12, — note) we will start restoring this service. But there is a very large level of uncertainty. You restore the working capacity of some system, and you start to have new problems. Then you need to check that entire system to make sure it doesn't have any malicious software or conditional backdoors left by this attack that leaves an unprotected perimeter,» he said.

The president of the company added that, on the one hand, the recovery process is already underway, but on the other hand, «Kyivstar» is limited in resources, because any connections to the network are made not automatically, but manually through the appropriate check.

«Therefore, I really hope that tomorrow we will start restoring the service, but I cannot guarantee it,» he said.

Also, the company cannot say how much it will cost them to restore.

«We haven't counted and we won't count anything yet. The team must be focused on recovery. We need to restore service. If they said now that it was going to cost $100 million, but somehow it all worked in exactly 1 minute, then we would go for it. We provide critical services for Ukrainians, so this is another account. It is in a completely different plane. It's not about the money,» he said.

We would like to remind you that today, December 12, a major failure occurred in the work of the operator «Kyivstar». Users have reported a lack of connection, the Internet, and the operator's website is also not working. In particular, the failure affected the operation of bank terminals and the notification system.

Later, «Kyivstar» stated that the cause of the large-scale disruption in work was a powerful hacker attack, but assured that the personal data of customers is safe. On the evening of December 12, the Kyivstar company announced that it had partially resumed the operation of fixed communication services (with stationary equipment).

In addition, Monobank suffered a massive DDoS attack.

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