In Yuzhnoukrainsk, the budget for next year was approved: ₴16 million should go to debts to the NPP and ₴50 million to the Armed Forces

In Yuzhnoukrainsk, deputies approved the community budget for 2024.

This was reported in the Yuzhnoukrainsk City Council.

The session took place on Thursday, December 21. During two hours, the deputies considered land issues, which numbered as many as 120. Such a large number of applications from community residents accumulated due to the fact that plenary meetings were not held for more than six months. The deputies unanimously supported the question «On the budget of the Yuzhnoukrainsk urban territorial community for 2024».

The draft decision states that the revenues of the budget of the South Ukrainian community in the amount of 858 million 91 thousand 372 hryvnias were approved, including the revenues of the general fund of the budget in the amount of 844 million 740 thousand 610 hryvnias and the revenues of the special budget fund - in the amount of 13 million 350 thousand 762 hryvnias.

Budget expenditures of the Yuzhnoukrainsk Urban Territorial Community will amount to 850 million 863 thousand 407 hryvnias, including expenditures of the general budget fund — in the amount of 716 million 799 thousand 745 hryvnias and expenditures of the special budget fund — in the amount of 134 million 63 thousand 662 hryvnias.

As reported by YuzhBud.News, the budget for community development will amount to 838 million hryvnias. These funds were distributed as follows:

  • Protected articles — 117.5 million hryvnias;
  • For maintenance of the budgetary sphere — 480.2 million hryvnias;
  • For programs, the reserve fund for further distribution — 189.3 million hryvnias;
  • The reserve for further distribution is 168.4 million hryvnias.

It is also noted that 4% of personal income tax revenues, amounting to 39 million hryvnias, were allocated from the budget, of which 16.8 million hryvnias were allocated to cover the losses of the KP «Heat supply and water and sewage management» (TVKG) from the untimely implementation of tariffs. 15 million to repay the debt of KP TVKG to SE «Yuzhnoukrainsk NPP». 7.8 million have been reserved for the capital repair of the heat distribution point (TRP5).

Regarding the support program for the Armed Forces, the deputy corps agreed to 10 million at the beginning of January, and 40 million will be directed at the expense of the free balance.

In addition, the budget for 2024 provides 50,000 hryvnias for treatment for one serviceman, and 50,000 hryvnias for equipment for one mobilized serviceman from the South Ukrainian community. In the future, already in the first quarter of 2024, at least 50 million hryvnias will be directed to support the Armed Forces.

It was previously reported that the development budget of Mykolaiv, which is aimed at the implementation of city projects in various areas, will amount to about 347 million hryvnias in 2024.

We remind that 32.4 million hryvnias are planned to be allocated from the Mykolaiv budget in 2024 for the installation of video surveillance cameras under the «Safe City» program.

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