Zelenskyy: A pause at the front will give Putin time to strengthen the army to attack again, but without mistakes

Volodymyr Zelenskyi. Photo: Screenshot from the video. Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: Screenshot from the video.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is convinced that if peace talks are held and a pause is taken at the front, Vladimir Putin will use it to strengthen the army.

The head of state said this in an interview with French journalists, «OP» reports.

According to the president, Russia is not ready for peace negotiations, and every day it confirms this opinion by shelling Ukraine. He believes that if peace talks are held and the war is paused, the Russian president will use it to prepare for a strong next one.

«The example with Odesa shows that he (Vladimir Putin, — note) is not interested in any negotiations and he has already demonstrated the format of the dialogue in the port of OdesaVolodymyr Zelenskyy said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy reminded that more than 100 negotiations were held within the framework of the Normandy and Minsk formats. However, they did not bring peace to Ukraine.

«And for Putin, this pause is like oxygen. Understand, this pause is not peace talks, it is for him a breather, an additional opportunity, additional time to restore the combat capability of his army, which is in a difficult situation today,» he said.

The head of state added that Ukraine is categorically against a «pause» on the front, as it would create a «new Minsk» that would give Russia time to prepare for the invasion, but without making mistakes.

«If we pause, it will be a pause in the same Minsk process, only it will be the next Minsk, which will give Russia the opportunity to prepare and this time come with a full occupation of Ukraine, but not to make the mistakes it made at the very beginning. when we destroyed the core of his army,» Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized.

We will remind that Zelenskyy had a telephone conversation with Macron.

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