Residents of Mykolaiv complained about a residential building that had been flooded for two weeks — the Vodokanal explained what was the matter

Residents of Mykolaiv complained that a house at 29 Pivdenna Street in the Inhulskyi district of the city had been flooded for two weeks.

For the first time, residents of the building discovered the problem on November 20, Yurii from Mykolaiv told NikVesti in a comment.

Since then, they have appealed to the government hotline, the city council and the water supply company to solve the problem, the man says.

— The basement of our apartment building has been flooded for two weeks. Water is already leaking outside through the windows, flooded front gardens. We have dampness in our apartments, the house is completely in water. The building's panel is located in the basement, the building is at risk of destruction and short circuit, residents of the building turned to the editorial office.

According to the resident Yurii, during this time it was possible to find out that the leak occurred on the water supply network.

— We turned on the heating and, what a coincidence, the water «went out» immediately. We called the emergency services, they thought it was CHP water. In two or three days, such trenches were dug by the water near our house — horror. Then we called the water company — they said «these are not our networks.» They fought with each other for a week and could not come to an agreement. Then they found out that the water was from the water supply company, Yurii said.

In a comment to NikVesti, technical manager of the water supply service of «Mykolaivvodokanal» Oleksii Ababilov explained that the leak did indeed occur on the company's network, but the search for this place was complicated by the fact that the water from the place of the leak did not go outside, but entered the network of Mykolaiv CHP and from there to house of residents.

— There are no problems there at the moment. We found our source. We looked for it for a long time, because the CHP does not have information about the passage of their networks, that is, the heat line. The whole task was reduced to the fact that we were looking for their heat pipe in order to understand where exactly our water enters it, explained Oleksii Ababilov.

According to him, the residents of the building contacted the water company a week ago, and the leak has now been eliminated, and the company's employees are working in the building, pumping out water with pumps.

We will remind you that in Voznesensk, residents of houses on Krym-Kavkaz Street complained about the quality of the repair work on Karpenka Lane, where drains were not installed and because of this, during a downpour, streams of water flooded yards and gardens.

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