About 35,000 hectares, the head of the Bashtanka DMA said how much land in the district still needs demining

About 30,000-35,000 hectares of land remain mined in the Bashtan district of the Mykolaiv region, part of which was under occupation.

This was reported by the head of Bashtanka DMA, Vladyslav Dmytriv, NikVesti writes.

According to him, the greatest need today is demining of agricultural lands. The total area of mined fields in the Bashtanka district today is about 18,000 hectares.

— The Bashtanka district is agrarian, and today the level of mining is still quite high. Today, we still need about 18,000 hectares of land. The priority today is still for our farmers to come in and start doing their business, said the head of the RVA.

Vladyslav Dmytriv notes that, in addition to agricultural land, a large part of the land within the Inhulets River, which connects the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, remains mined.

— Plus, let's not forget that we still have the Inhulets River, so the total number is much larger, I think somewhere in the range of 30-35 thousand hectares, — said Vladyslav Dmytriv.

We remind you that the author of the project «The world inside out. Ukraine» Dmytro Komarov visited the mined territories of the Mykolaiv region and showed the work of local sappers.

It was previously reported that as of October 2023, 13 thousand 40 hectares of land in the Mykolaiv region have already been demined, including 9 thousand 25 hectares of agricultural land.

Previously, NikVesti told about a farmer from Kiselyvka, who is trying to demine his fields by himself.

And in the village of Maksymivka of the Pervomaisk UTC of the Mykolaiv region, local residents live with an unexploded shell under the foundation of the house.

In addition, the demining situation in Maksymivka is critical today. A year after liberation from the Russian occupiers, the village was demined by only 40%.

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