«On mining and rules of conduct in case of threat of explosive devices»: a training session was held for the media in Mediabaza.Mykolaiv

DRC instructor Stanislav Simchenko, photo: Mediabaza Mykolaiv DRC instructor Stanislav Simchenko, photo: Mediabaza Mykolaiv

In the journalism hub of the Institute of Mass Information «Mediabaza. Mykolaiv» held training for journalists on the risks of working in territories contaminated by explosive remnants of war.

This was reported by the correspondent of NikVesti.

Today, Ukraine is the most mined country in the world, so knowledge about the risks from them now directly applies to those regions affected by hostilities.

The instructors of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Stanislav Simchenko and Oleksandr Rozhkovskyi helped to understand the peculiarities of behavior in mined areas, types of mines and ammunition, as well as the consequences of their detonations.

«It will take years, equipment and trained pyrotechnic specialists to clear these lands. Currently, these territories pose a danger for everyone, even for specialists engaged in demining, because mine danger carries constant risks to life,» says Stanislav Simchenko.

DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv
DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv
DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv DRC training, photo: Media base Mykolaiv

According to their purpose, mines are divided into anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines. They come in different shapes, colors and sizes, and can be made of different materials, but most often have a plastic or metal body.

«You have probably heard the expression «mine field». They say so because mines are never set alone. If you come across one mine, be sure there are more nearby. They can rust, but the threat from them only increases,» added the specialist.

DRC instructors say that forests, open areas, some buildings or roadsides are the direct threat of possible landmines in areas where hostilities have taken place. Most often, these areas are fenced with warning signs «Danger, mines», «Stop, mines», red and white tapes or colored stones.

Experts urge everyone to observe the following rules when detecting ammunition: «do not touch», «do not approach», «call 101».

«The most important thing in any situation: if you come across mines or see an injured person, you need to stop and calm down, you can't panic under any circumstances. You need to look around, turn back as carefully as possible and call 101 — the emergency services and report a dangerous find. Only after that, if necessary, you can call the «emergency room». It is forbidden to run up to the ammunition or the injured person,» the instructors added.

We will remind you that in November of last year in «Mediabaza. Mykolaiv» journalists Ivan Antypenko («Radio Svoboda», «Grunt») and Dmytro Sheremet («Radio Svoboda», «News of Azov») together with student journalists analyzed the peculiarity and behavior the work of media workers in the liberated territories.

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