Survey: 90% of residents of Ochakiv believe in the successful restoration of the community

Houses in Ochakov suffer from shelling, archival photo of NikVesta Houses in Ochakiv suffer from shelling, archival photo of NikVesti

92% of residents of the Ochakiv community in the Mykolayiv region believe in the restoration of the community after leaving the war zone. They see it as «blooming», «successful» and «touristic».

This is stated in the article by NikVesti «Ochakiv: what the front-line city lives and dreams about».

At the same time, 8% of residents have a negative view of the possibilities of recovery.

Such a survey was conducted as part of the development of a plan for the restoration of the Ochakiv community. Local authorities invited residents to submit their ideas about the future of Ochakiv. But, according to Vice Mayor Oleksii Vaskov, residents did not show activity in this survey.

According to the survey report, 806 people took part in it. In general, the questionnaire for the residents of the community consisted of 17 questions, in particular about the current situation in the community and key problems and needs. Among the specific wishes, «creating jobs», «developing tourism potential» and «overcoming corruption» stand out.

It should be noted that after the personal income tax (PIT), which was paid by the military and law enforcement officers, was removed from the state budget at the end of last year, Ochakiv can no longer carry out any restoration work after the arrivals, so today the city is only completing repairs that were started before the loss tax

As the vice-mayor of Ochakiv, Oleksii Vaskov, reported earlier, the income from the military personal income tax in Ochakiv was 94%, because historically the overwhelming majority of the city's population is military personnel. It was thanks to this tax that the city had the opportunity to maintain communal institutions and enterprises, to allocate funds for the current repair of damaged buildings and to make shelters.

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