Two new environmental control points were created in the Mykolaiv region

Mishkovo-Pohorilivsk OTG, archival photo «NikVesti». Mishkovo-Pohorilove UTC, archival photo NikVesti.

In Mykolaiv and Odesa regions, within the framework of the pilot project, inspectors will work at environmental control points. They will monitor environmental pollution, forest use and poaching.

This was reported in the State Environmental Inspection of the South-Western District.

As part of the pilot project, three environmental control points (ECCs) will be created.

It is also noted that each group of inspectors is provided with a special uniform and technical means.

«Specialists of the inspection carried out monitoring regarding the presence in the specified territories of business entities that discharge pollutants into water bodies, the atmosphere, as well as enterprises in the field of waste management and producers of agricultural products. In the field of special attention are also the main forest users and objects of the nature reserve fund, the main water arteries. In addition to collecting information on the activities of business entities, the main functions of the ECCs will include work with the EcoZagroza application, as well as measures not related to checks of business entities: detection of poaching facts, detection of patches of illegal felling of forest plantations, burning of dry vegetation, other violations of nature protection legislation, carrying out operations «New Year's tree», «Primrose», «Spawning», «Quiet season», «Hunting season», etc. in the relevant periods,» the message says.

Earlier it was reported that the amount of damage to the ecology of the Mykolaiv region since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine amounted to more than 90 billion hryvnias.

We will also remind you that four new nature reserves are planned to be created in the territory of the Mykolaiv region. Relevant projects should be developed by the end of 2024.

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